Confession by Alex, from Dark Arts of Syed Wison
'Alex' and his friends were always into the supernatural and whenever they had the chance to meet up they would go for an 'adventure'. From cemeteries to abandoned buildings to even nature reserves. But whenever they go to these places they never came across anything supernatural at all....but they finally got their wish come true when they visited 'Old Thompson Road'. That night the 3 of of them met up for supper. 'Alex' was the 'designated' driver as he was the only one who owns a car. At about 11pm he picked up his buddies and they went to their fav makan place at Bukit Timah . After their supper, one of them suggested they check out the lonely stretch of Old Thompson Road. There were stories about that road...ghost stories.The rest agreed and they immediately left for their 'adventure'. When they reached Old Thompson Road, 'Alex' drove slowly while his buddies were checking out the surroundings. On the left and right were nothing but trees. 'Lets stop at the side and have a smoke break..look over there! That spot is safe enough for us to stop at the side.' one of his friend suggested. 'Alex' stopped his car, unwind the windows and lit his cigarette. All of a sudden he heard a cackling sound from one of the trees. 'Eh! You guys hear that?' he asked and the rest nodded. 'SHIT! SHIT! Guys look at that!' his friend shouted...pointing at one of the trees. What they saw was a figure of a woman in white with long hair and the most terrifying thing was her head was INVERTED! 'Alex' started his car...wound up the windows and stepped on the pedal! 'Eh bros, did you guys see that thing?!' asked 'Alex'. The rest were quiet but 'Alex' knew all of them saw the same thing! Finally they got their encounter the supernatural. |
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