Confession by I.A. This confession took place in 2014 at Sentosa's halloween horror event titled Spooktacular. It was also the last time that they organised this event. Many people are not aware that there are prayers and blessing rituals conducted prior to running such an event, however there are no guarantees that the haunting won't take place. I was assigned as a scare actor in one of the haunted trails that was situated up a hill. People had to climb up a steep incline to enter the main trail. There were some actors stationed along the way but they weren't as intense as the ones on the main trail. I was in an area that wasn't that dark but it was still really spooky in the dim light. There was a door for us to exit to the back if we needed to leave the trail. This is the kind of door that can only be opened from the inside. From where I was standing, waiting for the guests to come, I saw the door opening and closing by itself. I thought to myself: Our area is enclosed and there was only a ventilation fan which is far from the door. It won't be possible that a draft of air caused the heavy door to open and shut by itself. This definitely looks like someone is actually pushing against it. In my heart, I knew this must be something supernatural at work. I said out loud, "I'm here to work, please don't disturb me, can?" The door closed and did not open again. In another incident, I overheard a guest talking about how the three scare actors really spooked her out but the thing was that in my station, there were only two scare actors. Where did the third one come from?! I decided to keep this from my partner as I'm not sure she would be strong enough to handle this news. I decided to keep this from my partner as I'm not sure she would be strong enough to handle this news. If you had attended Spooktacular, you might recall that for one of the horror trail attraction, there's a lift at the main entrance where its filled with fake cockroaches and a scare actor, but instead of a lift door they used a curtain to cover the entrance. If you had wondered why they did that, here's the story: The door would keep breaking down only at night for no reason. The maintenance crew would come in to check but cannot find anything wrong. In the day, the door would be working fine. In the end, they just decided to go with curtains instead. There's also another incident where I saw an "actor" walked past me and heading in the wrong direction. So I called out to her and asked if she was going to the rest area for a break but the person just kept knocking her head and walking. I turned to my partner to check with her but she said she didn't see anyone. When I turned back, the "actor" was gone. What was weird was that we were not supposed to go by main entrance as the break room is actually at the back. So who was that person I saw? Then one night the whole area blacked out and we were told to use torches to continue the scare while they fixed the circuits. When I did a headcount for our station, I counted four people when it was supposed to be only three - two actors and one guide crew. When I did a headcount for our station, I counted four people when it was supposed to be only three. I counted a few times but still got four. I decided to ignore it and continue with the show. After the lights came on, I did a headcount again and this time we got the correct number.
With all the complaints of sightings from the crew and some of the guests, management decided to re-bless the whole trail again and this time, crew members with no religious protection of their own were given something to prevent any more bad vibes. Despite all the supernatural experiences, I enjoy playing the role of scare actor very much. I saw guests actually pee'd their clothes. There's also a macho looking guy who ran off and left his girlfriend on her own. It was always the most fun to see how those talk big, act macho guys, actually are the first to get scared. Anyway I will share again my USS experience soon. By the way my partner was a disbeliever before but this experience has made her a believer. Written by Eugene Tay There have been many stories surrounding the Pasir Ris Suicide Tower. Many of these Urban Legends have evolved into multiple variations since the late 80s until we can't really tell fact from fiction anymore; but such is the nature and thrill of ghost stories that keeps our imagination going. Budding investigators have attempted to gather evidence of haunting and many claimed that it is one of the easiest spots to elicit a paranormal response. Personally, I have been a witness to multiple events in this location that defies logic. I am as strong a believer as there are others who are as strong a skeptic. This experiment that we have conducted is perfect in highlighting that dichotomy. Just because someone is fortunate enough to not experience any haunting doesn't mean that the place isn't haunted. In this two-part video, we attempt to record experiences from multiple perspectives - A psychic, four commoners, and one spiritual practitioner. Without the use of fancy western-influenced gadgets, what can each of these people sense when tasked to sit alone in what is reputed to be one of Singapore's most haunted location? The results are varied and interesting. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, the psychology of fear fueled by horror stories and odd sounds in the night can spur our imagination to see and feel things that may not be there.... or are they?
12:17 - 15:17 - Guru Murali Cleanse the Place
Guru Murali chanted a prayer to ease the lingering spirits towards the light. Does this mean the place is no longer haunted? Unlikely. Prayers help to bring whichever entity that is present at that time to the light but in a public area, and one that is isolated at the edge of a mangrove swamp, there will be other spirits to take its place in time to come. Confession by Irma As mentioned by the previous confessor in The Red Ghost of Farrer Court, Block H was the innermost block in Farrer Court and being full of trees, that place was always shaded. Every other day coming back from school, even from a distance I would see someone in a red dress at the pillars. This can happen even in broad daylight. Many times, it would be me walking under the block and seeing some lady in red walking diagonally but when i pass the spot, there is no one on the other side of the pillar. This was a common occurrence all my life so I have learned to identity what's ghost and what's not. I know what I saw at Farrer Court is not from this world. I checked with another friend of mine, Maya, who lived in Block G, a 25 story point-block on a hill that's adjacent to ours. Her family has stayed there since like forever and when I told her that I kept seeing this woman in red lingering under my block, she said, "oh, a few years back there was a suicide at my block. A lady dressed in full red outfit had committed suicide by jumping off the balcony. The apartment belonged to her boyfriend and people suspected their relationship had gone sour and this was her way of getting back at him." [Editor's note: In Asian folklore, we believe that taking your life while dressed in red will cause your soul to return as a vengeful spirit to haunt the person who did you wrong.] Every night without fail, when everything was extremely extremely quiet, I would hear a ball bouncing at the basketball court. My room window was overlooking the tennis and basketball court and it is quite clear that there was absolutely no one there but yet u can hear the ball bouncing, just bounce bounce bounce..... I strongly believe that that place makan* people every few years. It must be the land because for some weird reason people are attracted to go there to commit suicide. The place just attracts death. [Makan* literally means "to eat" but in this context it means "to claim the lives of"] There was a murder that happened at Block F, I remember, which is a block I would have to walk under to get to my own block. A maid went berserk inside one of the units in and stabbed the employer multiple times. The employer died from the injuries and it was a bloody scene. My friend who lived in Block G was gave me live commentary as the struggle was happening because she could see everything as it was unfolding. The police eventually managed to apprehend the maid after kicking the door open, and reaching through the gates but it was all too late. The resident of the property could not be saved. There were many other murders; murders and suicides. It didn't happen all the time, of course, but it happened frequent enough for it to be peculiar, and not all of them were reported in the papers. Funnily enough, in trawling the internet for that Block F murder, I chanced upon an article which covered another recent murder that happened in the new estate that took over the land where Farrer Court used to be. So maybe that's something that Supernatural Confessions can go and investigate. Maybe there's a bloodthirsty Penuggu* on that plot of land that needs to be satiated every few years. [Penuggu* is a tutelary deity or spirit who is a guardian, patron, or protector of a particular place] Map of Farrer Court. Photos and block placement created by Dian. You can check out her Farrer Court confessions here Editor's note: Speaking of frequent suicides that led to a many raised eyebrows reminds me of the infamous Bedok Reservoir Suicide cases. 6 suicides in 3 years. Of all the places, of all the gin joints, in all the world, why are suicides drawn to very specific places? It leads one to consider the possibility that some places just might have some form of dark energy that we cannot be explained. Feng Shui perhaps? If you are looking for some answers, maybe Part 2 of the Farrer Court Saga - Farrer Court: Bad Feng Shui or Dirty Tactics might provide some answers.
Confessed by Joey Tan
I've been in touch with the supernatural world since young as my dad's a taoist priest and both maternal & paternal side of the family has someone meddling in taoist arts in every generation. I guess this was what slowly inched me towards the spiritual path to become a spiritual practitioner but instead of being a taoist practitioner, I have a background in Tarot, Reiki and the Akashic Records. I've got soooooo many stories (both personal and from friends) but decided to share this particular story with you today. I went to Phuket 3 year back with my best friend and we stayed in a hotel by the beach. While we were planning the trip, we made a mental note to bring protective items with us as we've heard that Phuket is very "dirty", especially after the Tsunami. We were super excited for the trip but something felt really off for me when we reached the hotel. I decided not to tell my friend as its just Day 1. The bell boy helped us with the luggage to the room and before we could tell him that we'd help ourselves into the room, he already opened the door and moved the luggage in. My friend looked at me and she was like, "How ah, we didn't knock and say anything" but it was too late so we simply muttered some apologies under our breath and told whatever entities out there that we're just there for a few days. Our room was beautiful, the pool was right outside the balcony and we had an open toilet. We unpacked and our crystal bracelets were on the bedside table, my amulet is right beside me and we left some crystals in the luggage after we heard that a friend "dabao-ed" a hantu in her luggage when she came back from Bangkok. I can safely say that we were very well protected everywhere apart from the toilet and the doorway. Everything went on fine until about 6pm in the evening and we returned to the room for a short nap before heading to the night market to get dinner. I was falling asleep when I saw an entity in the ceiling, watching us but as it didn't feel malevolent, I ignored and fell asleep. I only told my friend about it when we left the room for the night market but did mention that it didn't feel malevolent, more like curious on who came in. We dabao-ed dinner back and everything was fine until we prepared for bed. My friend was sleeping at the side near the toilet and I was on the side with the sofa and sliding doors to the balcony. The light from the toilet was shining on her face when she lay in bed so we decided to lower the blinds to 1/3 of the window. This is an important detail for a later in my story. So we showered and was watching TV when we heard the sound of the kettle boiling. Our pantry area was directly opposite the door to the toilet and right beside the entrance to the room, which is where the sound was coming from....except we didn't boil anything. I was tired and wanted to sleep so I walked over, decided to play with the kettle and said, "I'm going to sleep already don't disturb me. I paid for the room so I'm not going anywhere". From the corner of my eye, I saw something sneak back into the toilet. We didn't get proper sleep at night. The both of us would sleep, thinking that we've slept for hours and wake up to see that an hour or two has passed. We will feel super awake too. My friend wasn't sensitive, but I am, and she could feel that there was something wrong. I just didn't tell her that there was a crowd watching us as we slept, but they were unable to get near us. We had a different crowd every night, watching us from the protective perimeter we set up, as though we were animals in the zoo. Nothing much happened until Day 4, which was the night before we return to Singapore. We were preparing to head out in the afternoon when I noticed the blinds we lowered on Day 1, is now more than half way down the glass window suddenly. Without thinking, I asked my friend if she lowered it and I saw her face go white while she shook her head. I decided that enough was enough, we are already disturbed in our sleep and I felt really annoyed from the insufficient sleep. I went in to the toilet and pulled the blinds all the way up. I was very sure that the blinds didn't fall or lower itself because you need force to adjust it. I told her we're going out and when we return I want the room to be totally empty. We came back at night with our dinner, packed and went to sleep. When we woke up, we almost missed breakfast! We slept through the night (finally) with no disturbance, nobody watching us sleep and it was fantastic. Before we left we did thank them for making the last night in Phuket peaceful for us. That's the end of my confession and I hope you've enjoyed reading! Confession by Nil P
My story happened when my then-girlfriend (now wife) moved into her new apartment in Novena. The condo was in a quiet lane just next to the Thompson flyover. In the 5-6 years that we lived there, that entire area seemed to be a hotbed of activity. There were loads of bad accidents on the main road (Thomson road) after the Keng Lee road bend, right at a particular spot; the security guards would tell me that they would see shadows late at night. One even claimed that he heard his name being whispered into his ear as he slept in the gym. In the same lane, there was another condo being built and one random morning, we saw the property developer burning joss sticks. I was curious and asked my security guard if he knew why they were doing that and he told me that some of the workers had seen a spirit roaming about. The road adjacent to mine (Keng Lee Road) was creepy. Next to a huge canal, dark at night and of course, a couple of hundred metres away from KK and the old Tan Tock Seng Hospital . I remember taking late evening walks and wondering why there were so many churches, temples and random standalone shrines in the area. I, of course, had heard all the stories about Novena in the 80s and how people saw spirits in the MRT etc. Back to the apartment. My wife is very sensitive to her surroundings. Not long after she moved in, she kept telling me how uneasy she felt, like there was "someone else in the room". Although I'm a believer in the spirit world, I didn't think much of it. Over time though, I felt the air around the house get heavier, almost smoky. The first major incident happened when her mom came to stay with her for a couple of days. One afternoon, she was in her living room and she suddenly felt a force pinning her down, sucking the life out of her. After 2 minutes, it just stopped. Then there were the small things, the DVD player turning on by itself etc. Then she started complaining of nightmares. One night, we were both asleep and she woke up with a fright saying that she had a weird dream that ended with a scream as if it was coming from the room. I calmed her down but never told her that I had the same dream and heard the same scream (until a few years later). Moving out wasn't an option financially so we knew we needed to get help. We went to an Indian priest who confirmed that the house had a demonic presence. He told us to come back a week later. That night, after seeing the priest, we just didn't want to go home. We sat outside the Starbucks at United Square and just procrastinated. And when we finally did, we opened the front door, turned on the lights and all of a sudden, there was a loud explosion-like sound the house went dark. Almost like it knew where we had been. Of course, being the man, I had to summon all of my courage to go to the fuse box, which was located deep in the pantry, and play around with the fuse box. Finally, we went back to the priest and he gave us a small tub of white cream (the type a doctor would give you for a rash). He told us to smear it over every wall, window and door. The next morning we did and when we were done, I kid you not, we just felt a heavy presence being lifted. It was over. Until 2 years later. We repainted the apartment and of course, painted over the areas where we had dabbed the cream. That night, we both had the same nightmare again. After a scolding from the priest, we went through the same routine and all was ok. We sold the house 2 years later. Confessions by Thomas Lim I've been in the tourism industry for about 15 years now, and have worked in few hotels, tourist attractions and also a STB tourist guide. Apart from all the glamour of this industry, I have also seen a lot of spooky stuff in store. From weird encounters and unnatural deaths in hotels, to eerie places and practices of some attractions, and to a storeroom that keeps some of the war relics till today where we would hear occasional banging coming from even though nobody is inside. I would love to share all these stories with the great audience here. For my first confession, maybe it'll be best to start from the beginning. I was a student in SHATEC back in 2001. As part of our curriculum, we had to do a work attachment at this place called The SHA Villa. The SHA villa is a training hotel and restaurant that we students had to go to gain some real work experience before going out to an actual hotel. I swear that is one of the creepiest places I've ever worked at. If you refer to the photo that I've attached, you can see its a very old, colonial-styled building. You could enter the hotel lobby on the brightest, sunniest afternoon but it would always seem to be very dark inside. I knew this uncle who was in charge of the building maintenance and he once showed me an altar behind the building where some of us knew of its existence. He said it was for the spirits 2 little kids who still roam the building. Every morning without fail he would buy some biscuits, sweets and chocolate and placed them at the altar. If this was not done on a daily basis, we would have guest complaints that their stuff would be missing, there is constant sound of footsteps running along the corridor. That was not all.
There was once in the middle of the night, we had a guest come down to the lobby and said he wanted to check out immediately. It was really weird to see a guest check out in the middle of the night, so I asked him if everything was all right. He told us that he saw Japanese soldiers walking along the corridor and then going down the stairs. He did pay for the nights that he stayed in the hotel before he left, so we had no reason to believe that he was one of the cheapos trying to get a free hotel stay by cooking up such a story. Another experience I had in the building was during my attachment at the restaurant this time. I was doing the night shift and we were cleaning up at the end of the day before going home. One of the last tasks we had to do was to clear the rubbish from the kitchen and bring it out to the main rubbish chute outside, which was just a short distance away from the main building. So that evening, 2 girls in the same shift as I was brought out the rubbish at about 10:30pm or so. Shortly after they went out the backdoor of the kitchen, we heard a loud scream from the both of them. They ran back in and were sobbing uncontrollably. After they managed to calm down, what they told us sent shivers down my spine. They said while they were bringing the rubbish to the refuse area, they saw an old man squatting by the piles of rubbish. Thinking he was one of those seniors who went around collecting things like cardboard, they continued to walk towards the refuse area. But when they were quite near the old man, he turned around and they saw he had no eyes in his eye sockets with his mouth wide open. This they screamed and ran back. It'd be good to know after carrying this story with me for so many years. After hearing what the girls told us, some of the guys went out to check, all we saw were that 2 bags of rubbish strewn on the floor near the refuse area as the girls had left it. There was no old man in sight. Confession by G.T. (Writer has requested to remain anonymous)
My supernatural experience happened 6 years ago (2014), and it goes like this: I had to travel to Jakarta, Indonesia for a long term project work. I rented a small room in a hostel for the duration. My work place is in a University town, so most of the people staying in the hostel are university students, and only a couple of working adults. The place is nice and clean, I stayed on the second floor, and I got a room with a private bathroom. There is a window next to my bed, and there were no trees outside my window (disclaimer for the later part). On the first night, I slept early, around 9 p.m. if I remember correctly. In my dreams, I heard a voice calling me by my nickname (only my parents and brothers call me by this name, nobody else knows about this nickname). I woke up with a start, goosebumps all over my arms, and saw the clock - It was 3:33 a.m. Then I heard scratching sounds on my window... right next to my bed. The scratching sound was coming from outside the window... and like I said, my room was on the second floor, and there were no trees outside. So it can't possibly be the wind blowing the tree branches against the window. Fear gripped me suddenly and I remembered praying immediately calling upon the name of Jesus Christ. When I started uttering the first 2 words "Dear Lord...", there was immediately 3 loud banging sounds on my window. Almost like someone punching against my window in anger. The scratching stopped. The room was so quiet I could hear the sound of my own heartbeat. Spooked but exhausted, I tried to go back to sleep. That's when the scratching started again. The fear I experienced at that point was piercing, I can remember; a gripping chill that shot right up my spine. I don't think I have ever felt that sort of fear, ever, in my life. It could be just my fight or flight response or God was trying to warn me of the danger, because I know whatever that is outside my window is definitely something that isn't normal. I started to pray again, but this time, the scratching kept on going as I prayed. My prayers were simple, but I don't remember everything that I prayed, only the last few words: "Dear Lord, let no evil harm me!" After I uttered those words, the scratching stopped, followed by three banging sounds on my window again. The banging was so strong this time that I thought the glass was going to crack. After the scratching and banging stopped, the rubbish bin in my room suddenly shifted itself and toppled. I pulled the blanket over my head and started praying. I shut my eyes tight and prayed for whatever it was in my room to leave me alone. I was breaking out in cold sweat and just kept praying over and over again. When I opened my eyes, it was already morning. I must have fallen asleep again in the middle of my prayers or the entire experience was just a dream. The second night, as I slept the same dream came to me again: A voice called me by my nickname and I sat up from my bed. I saw the clock, 3:33 a.m. The whole ordeal repeated itself - the scratching, the praying, the banging. It happened again on the third night. This time, I took a pen and drew circles on my arm. When I woke up the next day, the drawing on my arms were visible. Whatever had happened I had just confirmed it wasn't a dream. I called my dad and related the experience to him. Instead of pushing it aside as just my imagination, he listened to me intently and said he would pray with me over the phone. We did this every night for the next week or so, long distance phone call with him and me just praying together. The encounter stopped. I continued staying in this hostel and in the same room for 2 years. A month before my project ended, and before my move back to Singapore, I took a weekend off and flew back to see my family. It is always nice to be back home. But on my first night back to Singapore, while I was sleeping... I had a very scary dream. In my dream, I woke up and saw the clock, it was 3:33 a.m... then in the corner of my room, I saw a dark figure. I can't see his or her face, but I saw it lifted a finger to point at me, and spoke in a raspy, screechy voice: "Don't you dare leave that room. Come back... come back...." I woke up, shocked, and soaked in perspiration. The next day, I called the company and told them I'm extending my leave till the end of the project and arranged for a colleague to pack my stuff and courier it back. It has been 6 years since and I haven't gone back to Indonesia or had that dream again. * Edited by Eugene Tay for grammar and story flow. Illustration by Syed Wilson. If you or anyone you know have a supernatural confession to tell, submit your stories via our website. I would like to share with you guys my personal experience that I've encountered recently for you all to be more careful with what you bring into your household.
Recently, I bought a 2nd hand item from Carousell. The next day, the seller decided to contact me saying that she wanted to give me a few beauty items that she has for FREE. So i thought, why not? I then informed her if i could collect it a few days later, seller seems to be very abrupt to hand it over to me and she wanted to hand it over the night itself. Puzzled with the urgency, i said she can hand it over to my mom in law the next day. She said its okay if I am busy, she can bring the items over to my house, at 10am in the morning the next day. Thinking to myself WOW, what a blessed thing to have, free items yet seller wanted to send them over right at the doorstep! The next night, for 2 nights straight, I had bad nightmares, I dreamt that something was "following me".. ( at this point i haven't touch the items at the house yet) At 1am, my mom in law texted and said, "can you return all of these items back to the seller?" I was confused and asked why, she said...This whole time the house was okay, right after the items was brought into the house, she felt a presence of something watching her alone in the house.. One night, she was watching TV alone, she heard noises coming from the room where the items was at.. She brushed it off, yet it happened repeatedly (even though there was no one in the house). The moment i heard that news, i had goosebumps all over my body. My heart was at unease, maybe God was trying to protect me, from direct contact of the items with my busy schedule. But i almost.... had it.... Now it may be coincidental, but yeah i am having fever and falling sick, may Allah protect us all from evil eyes and heart. Here is some of what i had..... Confessed by Nadie Othman I used to stay in a haunted executive HDB at Teban Gardens. It belonged to my aunt who left it empty for 5 years as she was working abroad. We used it as an interim flat while waiting to move into a second hand unit that we had bought. My aunt's flat faced the Pandan Reservoir. When I first stepped in, I felt an instant chill and tickling sensation on my spine - like the presence of something watching me. Initially, I thought I was being too sensitive because it was after all a new and unfamiliar place. It also didn't help that these old units had huge rooms and were very spacious. Large empty spaces to a nine year old child can play all kind of tricks on the imagination. My mum, two siblings and I slept in one room. There were two other rooms - one with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves filled with old musky books - and a large storeroom that contained a mirror, a rocking chair and single hanging lightbulb, but was otherwise empty. Aunt said the stuff were left behind by previous owners. The items were old but in good condition so she felt it would be a pity to throw them away. Strange things started happening almost immediately. My mum was cleaning the house and when she got to the storeroom, she suddenly felt her goosebumps rising. Instinctively she looked up at the mirror and saw in the reflection the single light bulb started swaying even though there's no wind. She looked closely in the reflection and saw the light bulb was twisting itself out of the socket! She turned around in time to catch the lightbulb just as it was falling. Subsequently, my belongings started going missing. The peculiar thing was that the items that went missing were all white in colour - a tee, girl shorts and white velcro sandals. At first we thought maybe it was blown away by strong wind (SC's comment: When something supernatural happens, it's always easier to blame the wind). So my mum started securing my clothes with raffia and tape when she hung them up to dry in the kitchen. Again, some of them went missing. Here's the other weird thing: only my items were targeted. None of my siblings had their stuff go missing even though they were hanging on the same pole. One night, my older sis’s boyfriend stayed over. We didn’t tell him anything about the strange occurrences. At that point, none of us rationalised any of these incidents as supernatural encounters yet. We just thought we were rattled by the sudden move and having our lives disrupted unexpectedly. We just didn’t put two and two together to think of these encounters as hauntings. My sis's boyfriend slept in the spare room; the one with the old bookshelves. Around 3 a.m., he was rudely awoken with slaps to his face. He opened his eyes and saw an old lady standing over him, asking, " ni chi zhuang le mah?" Which translates from Mandarin to, “Are you awake or not?” He rubbed his eyes and the apparition was gone. He got out of the room to look around the house and saw no one. None of the other family members fit that description of the old woman. He thought maybe he had dreamt it and went back to sleep. In another incident the following week, I locked myself in that same room after a fight with my sister. I can't remember what the fight was about but It was probably something lame that children, especially siblings, usually fight over. I sat in the farthest corner of the room and cried. To my surprise, through the sound of my sobbing, I heard the "tock" sound (It's the sound of the typical HDB bedroom door with a push button lock unlocking)! Then the doorknob turned and the door crept open slowly. My first thought was - "those idiots found the door keys", but no one was there, and when I went out again, I found my siblings glued to the TV. I guess they could have faked it, but the time lapse between the door opening and me looking out the door was too short for them to have pulled that prank. Later, we found out that no one had the keys to the bedroom door, not even my aunt. ![]() From that day on, I started feeling a sense of crippling fear. I can't explain why or what made me feel that way. Maybe it's my intuition trying to protect me: I was beginning to feel scared for no apparent reason. I wouldn't want to be on my own. Even when I was taking a shower, I would force my sister or mother to sit with me in the toilet to accompany me. Also, I witnessed, on multiple occasions, the rocking chair in the storeroom would move slightly at times, though to my naive kiddy brain, I always just thought it was the breeze. Then my dad came back from an overseas deployment and stayed in the house for the first time. The next day he suggested to mom that the kids should stay over at another aunt’s place for a couple of weeks under the convenient excuse that it was the school holidays and we can spend our days playing with our cousins. It was only after we had moved out of the haunted flat that my parents told us what had really happen. Dad always could sense "such things" his whole life. The first night he stayed with us, he was already able to sense an angry entity in the house. Although he couldn't see ghosts, he was able to feel them or catch glimpses of them from the corner of his eyes. The following morning when he came back from breakfast, he couldn't unlock the door with the keys. From the gap between the door and the floor, he could see a shadow moving behind the door, but the strange thing was that there's nobody home! He got angrier and angrier and scolded the “ghost”, demanding to be let in. He then stuck his talisman, the one that carried with him all the times, on the door. He felt the entity retreated from the door and then suddenly his keys could work again. For the three months that my family stayed in that house, my dad and mum knew about the haunting but kept it from us because they didn't want to scare us. My two older siblings didn't really seemed to be affected very much. Perhaps I have inherited some of my dad's ability to sense spirits. Ironically, this experience increased my passion for anything ghost-related. Confession by Rachel Y A new case just came into our mailbox early this morning. A family living in Yishun claims that their house is haunted. They moved in about a week ago and have been experiencing strange phenomena. First sign was their cat; she would hiss at empty corners and dash under the coach, refusing to come out. At first the family thought it must be the stress of relocating to a new place. But then the wife also started reporting that when she’s alone at home, she sometimes could see a black figure from her peripheral vision standing at a distance. She tried to ignore that feeling but the ominous presence seems to only be coming closer and closer each time. The husband was in the living room watching television one night when he thought he heard someone calling his name. Thinking that it was his wife, he answered her and asked what she wanted. The voice told him to go to the kitchen and look out the window which he did. For reasons that he cannot explain, he was moving in a daze as if he was functioning on autopilot. He registered a black figure standing by the window and that at that moment he was curious to lean outside the window to get a closer look at the ground below. Thankfully the kitchen grill was locked and as he was looking for the keys the thought just dissipated. He went straight to the bedroom to look for his wife and found her sleeping. This incident spooked him but he chose not to confront her in the night. Image is a placeholder to depict what a Singapore HDB kitchen looks like and not the actual shot of the location. When he woke in the morning, the night’s event felt like a dream to him. He don’t remember turning off the TV before going to bed but when he woke, he found the TV turned off and his wife in the kitchen making breakfast. He checked with her about the previous night’s event and she denied calling for him. The TV was also already turned off when she got up. He shelved away the incident as just a bad dream.
Sensing something was wrong, his wife pressed him for details. The urgency of her actions and the worried expressions startled the husband. When he revealed what he thought he experienced, she began to break down. She didn’t know how to tell the husband of her experiences before for fear that he would find her claims ridiculous, but now upon hearing that her husband had also seen something similar, it validates that what she saw might be real after all. They spoke to their teenage daughter as well but apparently she have not had any unexplainable encounters so far. According to her father, the daughter was genuinely curious why the father had called the family for an urgent meeting. The family has invited the SC team down to investigate in the hopes that we are able to debunk any paranormal presence in the house and set their mind at ease. |
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