Confession by Thomas Wang My wife passed away 13 years ago. Two weeks before her passing, she had fainted for no apparent reason. My auntie used medical oil to rub her forehead, calling out to her to wake up: “Ah mei, wake up, don’t sleep already!” I just stood there calling out for her as well, feeling totally helpless. After 30mins, she woke up and said she saw an old Ah Ma calling out to her, “come, come, come”. The place was very dark with a light at the far end. Luckily she heard our voices and decided to turn around. That was when she woke up. Sadly though, two weeks later, she passed away in the hospital. My late wife could see lots of things like ghosts and Gods. There was one night, I remember, she was talking quite loudly and it woke me up. There was only me and her in the room, so who was she having a conversation with? She said it was nothing and told me to go back to sleep. It was only in the following morning that she confessed to me, she was talking to dead sister who had passed away 3 years earlier. Her late father and grandfather also came by to visit. My late wife could see lots of I asked her how did they come in? She said from the window, not from the front door. I then asked what they were chatting about? She kept quiet and didn’t answer any further questions. My late wife's ability to see things was from when she was young. She studied Buddhism to protect herself, I think, or to find meaning in her visions. I still remember the first time I found out she could see “things”. It was in the middle of the night, she went to the toilet but came back to the room screaming and hiding from 'something'. When I asked what it was, she said she saw a headless ghost looking for its head on the sofa. I went out to check and of course, I couldn’t see anything. "When I asked what it was, she said she saw a headless ghost looking for its head on the sofa." When I asked what it was, she Besides seeing ghosts, she was also able to predict things before they happened, but sadly she passed away at the age of 26. I feel that by sharing her story for others to read, it might be helpful to those who are going through similar experiences, and in some ways, it keeps the memory I have of my wife alive. This happened in the early 2010s, I can't remember which year exactly but that's the rough timeline ‘cause I was around 15-17 years old when this happened. I was out at MacRitchie Reservoir with my parents and my oldest sister. Long story short, we went for a hike along the MacRitchie Nature Trail, and we'd intended to go to the treetop walk later that afternoon. We started after lunch at about 2pm. As we were hiking along the trail, my mom started feeling uneasy. It was as though there was something, not just watching us, but following us.
This happened in the early 2010s, I can't remember which year exactly but that's the rough timeline ‘cause I was around 15-17 years old when this happened. I was out at MacRitchie Reservoir with my parents and my oldest sister. Long story short, we went for a hike along the MacRitchie Nature Trail, and we'd intended to go to the treetop walk later that afternoon. We started after lunch at about 2pm. As we were hiking along the trail, my mom started feeling uneasy. It was as though there was something, not just watching us, but following us. Throughout the hike, she kept her head and vision low or to the ground, using my sister's or my back as a guide. Soon the trail got narrower, and we had no choice but to walk in a single file. I was leading at the front, followed by my sister and my mom, and my father was at the back. My mom occasionally switched with my sister because of how my dad was frustrating her. Allow me to remind everyone, this was the time before we started relying on Google maps to show us how far we are. So we only knew where we were at the signages showing where we are, or at the huts for resting. The time now was around 4pm, and I, myself, started to feel this dark vibe that my mom was feeling too. So naturally our pace picked up because we knew we didn't have enough time to make it to the treetop walk, but whatever it was, we wanted to get the hell out of there while the sun was still up. This is the part I still remember to this day.
About Terap Hut
Terap Hut is geographically located at latitude 1° 21' 15" North of the Equator and longitude 103° 49' 5" East of the Prime Meridian on the Map of Singapore. A small hut for hikers to rest.!!! It is by Macritchie Trail, near Terentang Trail, near Island Club Road, near Windsor Park Road, near Sime Track. The following locations related to it are represented by the nearest distances two points and may not be nearest by road. Confession by Luca Hi, I am a student at Maris Stella High School and here is my confession. One day last year, it was just before my exams and I wanted to revise, so my friend and I decided to come to school early. The first day we were meeting early, I had misjudged the time taken to get to school and arrived early at about 6.20a.m. When I got to class, it was still locked, so I waited for about ten minutes for the school caretaker to go about his rounds to unlock the doors. arrived and let me in. Being the playful person I am, I decided to scare my friend as he was coming in. I kept the lights and the fan off, and the windows closed as they were. While crouching in the corner, I suddenly heard the sound of something being dragged. I was spooked because the class school had been dead silent before that. Wanting to see what was making the noise, I decided to turn on the lights. It was a table that had been dragged about 2 m across the floor. I was shocked. The tables are quite heavy, with the frame being made of metal. I thought that it was impossible for the wind to have done this. At that time in the morning, no one could have placed strings either. Out of all the tables, all arranged in the usual exam format. It was the table in the corner that moved. While investigating the sound, the window near the spot I had been hiding slowly creaked open. At this point, all my rational thoughts just flew out of my mind. While investigating the sound, the window near the spot I had been hiding slowly creaked open. At this point, all my rational thoughts just flew out of my mind. I'm not ashamed to say, I was really freaked out! I know for a fact that I had closed and locked the window shut the previous day. I was the last one out of class and the first one in this morning. I left the classroom immediately.
I feel that it is also worth mentioning that my school is known for hauntings, I do not know how true, but supposedly it is built on a cemetery. We are also right beside Bartley crematorium. While I was in Maris Primary, there was a toilet that was supposedly very haunted. It was behind the stage in the Hall. It was always quiet but there are stories of screams and singing coming from there, even apparitions have been seen. In the secondary side, there is a terracotta warrior and during camp nights, when students sneak off to roam around for fun, the statue is said the disappear or move its hand. There is also a winding corridor on the 5th level. It really creeps me out. It's always quiet and deserted. We only go there when we are playing catching. People have said to have seen figures walking around, the disappearing, some even of a woman with long black hair, wearing a blue dress. When there are turns in that hallway, there are mirrors, maybe it is to help students see what's around the corner. Overall my school definitely has creepy vibes, especially in the early morning and night. Confession by Haye Eugene: For some background information of the confessor, she is 'gifted' with the psychic ability to sense things that people cannot see. She had plenty of encounters growing up. This confession is one of the scariest she had encountered. This experience took place on a ghost walking tour that she attended with her uncle, auntie, cousin and her husband. There were five of them on this trip. We started off the tour at Kent Ridge Park, it wasn't too bad, I did see a few fleeting shadows and smell the sweet scent that is often associated with a specific type of supernatural but the main part of this story starts at Labrador park. We were going to be walking through a forest. The tour guides told us to switch off our phones and they gave us candles to help us see in the dark. I could already sense there were spirits there, but I felt it was normal since it is their home. we walked into the forest for about 400-500m when my cousin said, 'Hey, we need to wait for our aunt and uncle!'. So I turned around and waited. I was the only one facing my aunt and uncle, so when they were walking towards us, I noticed my cousin's husband was behind them, standing slightly further back and staring at the ground. I thought it was strange that he would be that far behind when he had been walking with my cousin and I this whole time. There was this feeling in my heart telling me there was something off about him. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was my cousin's husband; he had been standing next to me the whole time. "Let's go," he said. So what was that taking on his form? I turned back to look at the doppelgänger but it had vanished I was seriously freaked out but it was too late for me to turn back now, and I didn't want to scare the others as well. So I kept this incident to myself and continue walking the forest trail. When we passed by a toilet, my cousin's husband and uncle said that they needed to go "take a piss" in case their bladder gets full later and they are forced to piss on a tree. In our local superstition, pissing on a tree might attract spirits to follow you back. The toilet lights were activated by motion sensor. At this time of the night, it will remain dark unless someone or something large moves in the proximity. A moment after my cousin's husband and uncle came out of the toilet, the lights turned off on its own. We continued the journey but a few seconds later the lights turned on by itself again. I turned to look at the toilet; I had a nagging suspicion that there's something looking at us. I kept turning around to look at the direction of the toilet until the lights turned off again. This time I saw it - a white shrouded entity - a Pocong - was standing right at the spot where my uncle was. I quickly turned away and hurried in front. This time I saw it - a white shrouded entity - a Pocong - was standing right at the spot where my uncle was. But here is where things got crazy for me. The tour guides stopped in the middle of the trail as they wanted to share a story about World War 2. We were gathered around in a semi-circle, and the guide started sharing with us what happened during the war in Labrador park. Suddenly I felt someone tap my shoulder three times.
I assumed it was one of my relatives but when I turned I came face to face with someone I did not recognise. That's when I knew I had messed up big time. Suddenly everything around me amplified: I could feel the air around me thicken and grew heavy. I heard footsteps crunching on the gravel around me. There was a scream coming out of the forest. Then a strange mechanical buzzing sound from overhead - much like an old propeller plane flying by. Then the intense feeling of sadness set in. I could feel the tragedy of this place; the deaths, the suffering, the souls trapped in time. Everything. it's not uncommon for me to be able to sense whether a place has good/bad history. sometimes when i walk into a person's house I can tell whether they're a tight-knit or a dysfunctional family just based on my senses, but the psychic imprint of this place was extremely strong. The tour guide stopped talking at this point. He said he sensed a sudden change in the atmosphere. He pulled out a radio box that supposedly allow for ghosts to communicate through it. He asked a few questions such as, 'who are you, are you a foreigner or a local' etc. The spirit didn't speak, but instead communicate through another device - a K-II Electromagnetic Field meter - blinking once for no and twice for yes. The answer the tour guide got from it was it was a female. When it was my turn to hold on to the device, the light on the meter went straight up to the maximum number of dots, meaning there was a presence, or multiple presence, around me. We decided to move away from the spot. The red LED light stayed at the maximum reading all the way through the rest of the forest trail. Even the guide commented that he had not seen such a strong, persistent, reading before. Sent by a member who wishes to remain anonymous. About nine years ago in 2012, my 15 years old daughter was having major depressive disorder. Her condition was very severe at that time. I won’t go into details about her condition, but because of her condition, she used to sleep on the same bed with me so that I can watch her. On a particular night, my hubby was overseas and my older daughter decided to crash in with us sleeping on a mattress on the floor. Sometime past 4am, I noticed that my younger daughter was not by my side and I left the room to look for her. I found her crying and bleeding in her room. She had even written a note to me to say that she thought she had really gone crazy that time and she was scared. I hugged her and after assuring her that everything was gonna be alright, asked her what had happened. What she related to me would send chills to anyone, but it did not occur to me to be afraid then. She said that when she awoke in the middle of the night and turn to face away from me which was a half wardrobe, she saw a mesmerising meadow. After looking at it some more, she saw a girl being carried on a stretcher coming towards her and then the girl came off the stretcher and tried to attack her. That was when she ran to her own room. She saw a girl being carried on a stretcher coming towards her and then the girl came off the stretcher and tried to attack her. She was planning to do some reading when she noticed a woman (ghostly) standing behind her sister’s room door (their doors are adjacent to each other). She freaked out and closed her door. Later, she saw from the reflection of her wardrobe that some of her soft toys were breathing. All these freaked her out so much, she thought she was going crazy that she slashed herself and left me the note. Luckily, I found her in time. After tending to her wounds and praying with her, she managed to calm down. By this time, my older daughter has also awaken to help in praying and calming her. She even sent text messages to her church members to activate prayers for us ASAP. At about 6am, the clock in our living room crash landed onto the floor. This is something impossible. At about 6am, the clock in our living room crash landed onto the floor. This is something impossible. It’s a steel nail and metal hook that secure the clock. We checked the hook. It was intact. How did the clock fly off the wall? Is it related to what has happened in the wee hours to my girl? * Additional Notes: The daughter is doing will now and she’s now a psychologist herself. She remembers the incident and she wants to use her own experience to help others now. As for the paranormal experience, she experienced it more than once and she still remembers them as well. But as a Christian, she puts them down to demonic attacks. Eugene's Notes: The daughter is doing will now and she’s now a psychologist herself. She remembers the incident and wants to use her own experience to help others now. As for the paranormal encounters, she experienced it more than once and she still remembers them as well; but as a Christian, she puts them down to demonic attacks.
The line being crazy and hantu-afflicted is a fine one. In the field of parapsychology, we believe that when a person is physically or psychologically weak, as in the case of having illnesses or depression, the person is more prone to being supernaturally attacked. How then do we say with certainty that it is only one problem (medical) and not the other (supernatural)? Denying a person of medical help is foolish, to say the least; debunking the existence of supernatural elements at play, to believers like me, is equally foolish. For more of such confessions, you can join us in discussion on our Facebook Group. Submitted by Asan Kayo on SC Private Group - It Must Be the Hantu
” Not only one but 3 lady cyclists encountered a driverless van around 1-2am along New Tiew Road recently. Anyone has any information of driverless van or ghost van or ghost vehicle along that stretch?” This was submitted to us via a member of the SC Private Group. This was taken in a condominium in the east of Singapore. According to the management, the 4th floor unit has been empty for three months but security guards doing their rounds would occasionally see a lady in white standing at the window. This video is edited to shorten the duration to where the action is and brightened for clarity.
Discussion on the group has suggested that it might be a curtain or a squatter in the unit but personnel working in the condominium has confirmed that there's not body living in the unit and there's no curtain by the window. So what could this be? You can see the zoom in stills below. Confessions by Daniel B. Edited by Eugene Tay I work as a night shift security officer in a building that's situated in the commercial district. I am one of the only two personnel working the graveyard shift. Work starts at 8.00pm and one of us have to be stationed at the security counter while the other makes his rounds to patrol the building. One Friday night while I was on duty and taking my turn to patrol while my colleague took his break, I experienced my very first haunting. It was 11.00pm; I started my patrol from the 39th floor and made my way down. Each floor had two staircases so I will walk down from one stairwell, cut cross the entire stretch of floor to the other stairwell, and continue making my way down in this zig-zag pattern. On the 16th floor, when I was passing by the middle lift lobby, I saw an open pink umbrella with a kids ball outside an empty unit. In fact, the entire floor is vacant, it's quite strange to find these items here; and besides my partner would have mentioned seeing them when he went on his patrol. I was honestly freaked out at this time. The hair at the back of my neck stood up. Convincing myself that my colleague probably was lazy and skipped some levels, I tried to calm my nerves and completed my round. When I reached the ground floor, I still couldn't shake off the weird sensation I felt on level 16. Something about it just did not feel right. I decided that since my colleague did not mention anything before, perhaps this was a small matter and not worth talking about. There's still the entire night to work and we had to do some more patrols before knocking off, let's not scare either of us unnecessarily. I sat at the security counter playing games on my mobile phone. My colleague was inside the mail room taking a nap. Nothing happened until about 1.00 am, then I heard a lady's laughter going, "heheheh". Nothing happened until about 1.00 am, then I heard a lady's laughter going, "heheheh". It was loud enough to echo through the empty foyer. I paused my game and looked around. I was sure I heard a laughter. The sound of laughter is very distinct. It's not a bird or a sound that came from outside. This laughter came from inside the building.
I waited for a while expecting to hear any follow up sounds but there were none. I shrugged off that experience and went back to my game, and that's when I heard the laughter again. This time I chose to ignore it and continued to play my game, but I must tell you, inside I was freaking out. About 5 mins later, the laughter echoed again. This time I got pissed. You can say that way I handle fear is to replace it with temper. I jumped over the counter, not even bothering to walk around it, and ran towards the direction of the sound. I stood there in the dim light and shouted into the dark corridor all the vulgarities that came to mind. After that I did not go back to the counter. I went out of the building to smoke the adrenaline away. For the rest of the night, I stayed at the counter. Later on I found out that the building had a lot of weird incidents and according to the guards who had been there longer than me, the experience I encountered was not uncommon. There was another incident where a sleeping security guard woke up to find three ghostly apparitions in soldier's uniform scolding him in Japanese. So far the hauntings had not been malicious. With regards to my experience, I felt that the ghosts were more playful and just trying to get my attention. For most of us who had an experience in that building, it's usually just through sounds and feelings only. There were rumours that this building was built on old cemetery grounds and that the spirits are anchored to this place. Most places in Singapore, to be honest, have their own stories and hauntings lah so it's no point shifting job to another place either. Who knows what I will experience there. Maybe I may not be so lucky. Like they say, better a hantu you know than a hantu you don't. Confessions by Zijun Huang We recently moved into the new BTO flats near Punggol settlement. I usually work late and one night as I was returning home from work, I took a wrong turn and ended up walking through Punggol Seventeenth Avenue, where the private estate is, and saw something that gave me goosebumps; even now as I'm recalling the story. The time was a little past midnight and before 1 am. I was walking past the Raffles Kidz Childcare Centre. Some of the street lamps were flickering and the road was a bit misty. Suddenly, I heard woman crying hysterically. The crying got louder and louder. I was the only one on the street at that time. Then I heard someone shouting in Japanese. I didn’t understand what he was screaming about but the voice sounded very fierce. I looked around thinking it’s the TV sound coming from one of the houses but there were no occupied houses there. That was when, from a far, I saw a woman in traditional cheongsam behind the gate of a very old house. That was when, from a far, I saw a woman in traditional cheongsam behind the gate of a very old house. I panicked and started running down the street, past the house, and towards the direction of the nearest main road. The crying sound only faded away after I ran quite a distance past the house. I was seriously very, very scared. It's the first time I've seen or heard anything like this. I prayed and chanted all the way home. I showered quickly and went straight to bed. The next few day I came down with a really bad case of fever. For nights after that, I would have recurring nightmares about the crying woman and the Japanese man. My mum brought me to a old temple in Punggol and with the help of the temple medium, my fever eventually subsided. When the medium learned where I had my supernatural encounter, he nodded and said, "no wonder". Then he shared his memories about the Punggol point area. During the Sook Ching Massacre at Punggol beach, the Japanese raped and murdered many villagers in that area. There were many mass graves around the place, many of them were never officially documented. One of the mass grave was on the site directly opposite the Childcare centre. He said if you ask anyone staying there, 9 out of 10 would have had experienced some degree of strange encounters there. There is a also a church nearby. The choice to build the church there was to keep the angry spirits at bay but clearly that had very little effect. According to the medium, he believes that is why many of the houses there are unsold as those who are 'pantang' or superstitious would avoid buying properties in that area. Although my fever have since subsided after my visit to the temple, the haunting nightmares never stopped. Each night when I try to sleep, I would see the image of the screaming lady in cheongsam behind the gate. Each night when I try to sleep, I would see the image of the screaming lady in cheongsam behind the gate. The temple medium told me the spirit needed my help because her soul was stuck in a tormented cycle. He asked me to return to the spot at Seventeenth Avenue to burn a particular set of incense paper for her. I hesitated for a while as I am extremely scared of going back there. It took me a couple of weeks before I finally got the courage to go back there again, accompanied by the medium and one of the temple helpers. The weather seemed find when we arrived but during the prayer ritual the cold wind suddenly picked up and it began to rain. A black cat walked over towards us and sat close by to watch us pray. Maybe it’s a coincidence but the temple medium said it was a sign. The entire ritual would take about half an hour and involved chanting and burning of Hell Money for the tormented soul of the crying lady, but the rain and the wind kept putting out the fire. We were forced to abandon the ritual when the rain got too heavy. The temple medium told me that this was a sign that the spirit or spirits in the area did not accept the offering. We waited for the rain to subside and left without completing the ritual. I really hope she can get out of this vicious cycle and reborn again in a better world. I really wish I can help her but it seems like there are stronger forces at work. Photos of site and offering submitted by confessor.
Confessions by Yang Guang Yang Guang was an 18 year old student from Singapore Poly when he first ventured into the Matilda House. I was in the photography club and I remember it was quite the norm back then for female models - the rocker and goth chicks type - to take photos in old buildings. Old Changi Hospital was a famous spot and the Matilda House was the other. My coursemate, Jo-An, who needed some photographs for her portfolio asked if I could help and I said okay. Jo-An and I went down after school in the late afternoon, early evening. There was still ample light coming in. While the place did look eerie, to be honest, I was more focused in looking for the best spot to take the photos before we lost the last light. When I was busy snapping away, I just got this funny sense that something is in the room with us and wasn’t happy. You know how sometimes you get to a place and it feels very uncomfortable like you just want to leave? I felt that. The feelings suddenly just came. I wasn’t thinking about anything. I suddenly got the goosebumps and a chill ran through me. It was a strange sensation but not intense enough for me to react hysterically, lah. So I shrugged it off and just continued looking through the viewfinder. I saw Jo-An kept turning and looking over her shoulders acting quite agitated and distracted. I took a few more shots until the film roll ran out then we packed up and left. It was only after we left the place that we talked about what we felt and confirmed each other’s experience. Since nothing major happened, we just brushed it aside and the conversation went back to photography. The horror only came after the photographs had been developed. Some had a tall black shadow figure standing behind Jo-An, right at the spot where she kept turning to look, The batch of film from the final roll of film came out looking very strange. Some were totally black as if a black translucent figure was standing right in front of my cam, some had a tall black shadow figure standing behind Jo-An, right at the spot where she kept turning to look, some photographs looked like it had a handprint across it - clearly visible with the shape of five fingers and a thumb. We were very spooked when we saw that. There are many things that can possibly go wrong especially with film photography but quire frankly the effects that I saw were not something that we can explain away with light seepage and faulty film.
Unfortunately, we were too scared to keep the photographs and negatives and Jo-An suggested we burned them to be safe. None of us wanted to die under mysterious circumstances from having a ghost mark us in photographs. I live in Hougang but my family and I do travel to Punggol very often, especially on weekends. Till today, everytime we pass by Punggol Walk, I will automatically turn to look at the direction of the Matilda House and think back on my past. The memories are still as clear as yesterday. I haven’t shared this story in so many years but since I know you are doing a confessional piece on Matilda House, I feel it’s time I get this off my chest. Thank you, Eugene for listening to my story. |
AuthorConfession Journal is a collection of stories and reviews submitted by the public. Topics