So this was my first and only paranormal encounter, and it happened 3 years plus ago at Pulau Tekong when I was serving BMT during my NS stint, where I was a recruit at School 2's Ninja Company.
In the Ninja Company, there are four storeys in total, and each storey there are four bunks. My section stayed in the second storey's last bunk from the right. During the first month of my BMT stint, there were many nights where I will usually hear and be woken by what I call, "disturbance noises". These so called "disturbance noises" consisted of just generic environmental noises such as doors or windows squeaking, sea breeze and the fans rattling. Nothing scary in particular actually, but often times I will find myself woken up by these disturbance noises in the middle of the night, always around 2-3am. As time goes by and I find myself waking up more and more frequently between 2-3am due to these noises. the noises begun to sound louder and more "intentional" almost as though it's was caused intentionally. In my mind, I tried to logically convince myself that these sounds are a lot more obvious to me because either I'm focusing on on them too much or that it's too quiet at night. One night at round 2:45am, I woke up from quite a vivid dream. Again, I kept hearing those disturbance noises. But this time these noises sounded absurdly loud. At that moment, I was wondering how come no one was awake. The noises lasted for quite awhile and I was pretty disturbed by it. My heart was pounding pretty hard at this point. All of sudden at one point, the noises just abruptly stopped, like dead silence. (I didn't even hear any snoring sounds from my bunkmates). For a moment I thought the sound of my heartbeat has overwhelmed my sense of hearing, but I realised that the sounds really stopped. A short while later, the noises returned, but one by one in sequential order (usually the noises happened concurrently). First the fan rattled loudly and then it stopped. Next the sea breeze blew through the window, making the window squeaked, which then it stopped too. Lastly, the closed doors rattled violently, possibly due to the wind as well, and it stopped afterwards too. This all happened within a span of roughly 10seconds. Then the room was dead silent again. Roughly a few seconds later, I could hear fast running footsteps across the corridor outside our bunk, with a small child's voice giggling "Hur Hur". I immediately got out from my bed and ran straight to the door, opened it and see if there's anyone outside (yeah what the hell was I thinking). I turned left and right, and I saw that there's no one. At that moment I was entirely spooked. Then I ran back to my bed, wore my combat earplugs and covered my whole body with my blanket for the rest of the night. (I briefly checked my watch, and it showed that it was round 3:01am). For the remaining three months of my BMT I slept my nights away like this too. P.S Towards the end of BMT, I began to hear that the platoon who stayed at the top storey of the company also had people who experienced vivid paranormal experiences, such as seeing a little girl hanging outside the windows or the top corner of the bunk etc. I am not too sure of the full stories. Shared by Kelvin Yup, 22, Designer [Story Source: Supernatural Confessions Group] [Photo Source: Jon Chiang] |
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