Confession by Ash Goh
I met up with a friend of mine, Cindy, who had recently lost her dog. Knowing the gifts I possess, she asked if I could “communicate” with her deceased dog, Dolly. Her dog was eager to talk so the connection was established right away. I normally let them share whatever they want in the initial part of the communication because most animals are excited that someone can understand them and they would rattle on and on. Dolly however was taking the conversation in a direction I didn’t anticipate. She went straight to showing me a bedroom and the view of the room. I was looking at the visions from a top down perspective. This was unusual because most dogs would show me visions from their eye level. Then Dolly shared with me something that took a sinister turn. “Something is in the house”, “it’s disturbing her (Cindy)”, “Mommy don’t listen to it”, “Mommy you have to help yourself”, “Dolly is watching (this entity)” and “Dolly is with mommy, protecting her” Goosebumps! Dolly wanted me to relay these messages to her mom urgently. There were a lot more she shared but those were personal stuff between them, not relevant to the story. As an animal communicator, we are the lowest ones on the totem pole when trying to relay to normal people what we know when talking to spirits… of people’s deceased pets. So I was thinking how I was going to tell Cindy what Dolly had said without sounding like a loony bin, offending the person or scaring them senseless (last thing I need is for them to think I am a nutcase myself). I think Cindy could sense my hesitation. I had to remind her I was only the messenger and that she should remember that, if she got offended by what I was about to say. I really hate passing these kinds of messages because most times it doesn’t sit well with people. People are expecting their deceased pets to say nice and loving things. I swear being an animal communicator is a thankless job. But thankfully, Cindy was calm and receptive when I told her what Dolly had said. Cindy said that actually her family members have sensed it for years, and that some friends and family members had also seen “things” in her house. But Cindy personally did not want to believe that her place was haunted and was fine sharing her home with the entity as long as it did not disturb her. According to Dolly, Cindy should take this message seriously and consider bringing in someone to do cleansing of the place, and if necessary negotiate a peace offering. I sketched out the layout in her room based on what Dolly showed me, and pointed at one of the rooms where Dolly had indicated where the spirit was located. Cindy said that is where her room is. I didn’t want to scare her, so I tried my best to lay it out gently: The spirit is right above the door, in that corner, watching you sleep every night. Immediately after I had said that, I could tell that the spirit was angry at me for interfering. Seriously lah. Tell also wrong, don’t tell also wrong. Becoming an animal communicator is really one of the worst jobs in the world. |
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